Difference between Liberty Cap and Golden Cap mushrooms

 Like cannabis, mushrooms are available in a range of strains. You can find some differences in effects while consuming these strains. Growers can produce a new strain by crossing it with some other strains. However, the most popular ones are Liberty Caps and Golden Caps.

How to identify Liberty Caps-

Liberty Cap shrooms refer to psilocybe semilanceata, a type of fungus species producing the psychoactive compounds, like baeocystin and psilocybin. This highly potent mushroom is easily available in almost any place in this world. 

Edible mushrooms are of different types, and their grocery shelves make it confusing for you to identify them. Liberty Cap shrooms have a unique shape, and mushroom pickers always select them by checking the shape. The shrooms put on distinctive hats on their stalks. The conical caps and bell-shaped designs are two major traits to detect these shrooms. Other things to note are the pointy-heads and brown shades. There are long lines radiating down the caps. But, the color fades away with maturity.

How will you feel after ingesting Liberty Caps?

Liberty Caps are social mushrooms. While you consume them, you become joyful. You will have uncontrolled laughter.

The best fact is that they do not cause intense hallucinations. You will find deeper insights after consuming the mushrooms. Look for Liberty Caps for sale and consume them now.


Know about Golden Cap shrooms-

Golden Cap spores are available in different subtropical and tropical regions. They are the largest ones of Psilocybes species. Moreover, they are also known as Gold Tops, Boomers, and Cubies. You can buy Gold Cap mushrooms spores from legitimate websites. 

How to identify Golden Cap shrooms-

The cap width ranges from 1.5 to 8 cm. When it is young, it is conical and bell-shaped. The surface of these shrooms is very smooth. In some cases, you may find small, whitish remnants. But, you will notice a difference in color in these mushrooms. The central part is yellowish-brown in color. While it becomes bruised, you will find a blue tone.

You will feel the effects of consuming Gold Tops within 1 to 2 hours of consuming them. Consumers have reported that these shrooms cause-

  • Euphoria
  • Time distortion
  • Profound feelings of unity

The standard dose of Gold Cap mushrooms dried is 1 to 3 grams.

Now, you have understood how Liberty Cap mushrooms differ from Gold Caps. You can choose the best store to purchase them. Reliable stores also have coca bush seeds for sale.


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